Thursday, January 1, 2009

How different is your modern culture from the Sawi tenants?

I don’t believe that we are much different from the Sawi. We do pretty much the same things that the Sawi do. Of course we don’t go out into the wild for our food, but we are hunters and gatherers; we hunt and gather our food at grocery stores. Above hunting and gathering, we are treacherous people. Treachery is not revered in our culture like it was in the Sawi’s but we are just as treacherous as they used to be. We fatten with friendship for the kill in our daily lives. For example, though may not be done intentionally, we fatten friends by being nice to them, only to later reject and hurt them. We, as students, often do this to teachers; we suck up and act angelic in front of them. When they leave the classroom, our angelic side disappears.

more to come... :)

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Mmmm! Interesting post. We do put on facades. Mrs.Mc.